Meeting Spaces
Meeting or conference rooms ...
- Meeting rooms, breakout rooms, libraries, dining rooms, lounges
- Provide setup notes - arrangment of tables and chairs
- List equipment needed
- Overhead projectors, LCD projectors
- Easles, flip charts
- Extra tables and chairs
- Add a 'Social' to a meeting room
Chapels ...
- For 'religious' issue chapels are treated differently from other area
- By design a 'Social' cannot be scheduled in a Chapel
- Optional - add a purpose for Chapel use - Mass, Opening Ceremony, Closing Prayer
- Add a setup note if needed
- Use weekly Chapel Agenda to show all activity with 'purpose'
- Helps prevent another group from accidentally using the Chapel when not scheduled
Other areas ...
- Labyrinths, statutes, parking lots, swimming pools, yoga areas
- If collecting back-pack for kids 'back to school' you might schedule the parking lot for receipt of those items
Schedule in 30-60 minute increments every planning area of your retreat center -